Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011


  1. The ability of a cell to maintain order in a chaotic environment depends on the accurate duplication of the vast quantity of genetic information carried in its DNA. This duplication process, called DNA replication, must occur before a cell can produce two genetically identical daughter cells
  2. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. Nearly every cell in a person’s body has the same DNA. Most DNA is located in the cell nucleus (where it is called nuclear DNA), but a small amount of DNA can also be found in the mitochondria (where it is called mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA).
  3. Parvoviruses are unique among all known viruses in having singlestranded DNA genomes which are linear. Virions are non-enveloped, containing a single copy of the small (4-6 kb) viral chromosome encapsidated in a rugged icosahedral protein capsid 18-26 nm in diameter.
  4. Recombinant DNA, also known as in vitro recombination, is a technique involved in creating and
    purifying desired genes. Molecular cloning (i.e. gene cloning) involves creating recombinant DNA
    and introducing it into a host cell to be replicated. One of the basic strategies of molecular cloning is
    to move desired genes from a large, complex genome to a small, simple one.
  5. Human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a circular double-stranded molecule, 16,569 base pairs (bp) in length that codes for 13 subunits of the oxidative phosphorylation system, 2 ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), and 22 transfer RNAs (tRNAs)
  6. DNA yang diisolasi dari tanaman seringkali terkontaminasi oleh polisakarida dan metabolit sekunder
    seperti tanin, pigmen, alkaloid dan flavonoid. Sedangkan DNA dari h ebih banyak mengandung
    protein. Salah satu kesulitan isolasi DNA dari tanaman tinggi adalah proses destruksi dinding sel untuk
    melepaskan isi sel
  7. Sequences that possess redundant functionality but lack sequence homology may not be quantified using these methods. In particular, the ability of vertebrate cis-regulatory sequences to shuffle individual binding sites
  8. The vaccinia genome encodes most, if not all, of the functions required for three temporally regulated phases of transcription and for DNA replication
  9. Figure 1 Classification of CACTA DNA transposons in D. pulex based on alignments of terminal inverted repeats (TIRs). Alignment
  10. For any DNA sequence, the START Codon is ATG - Methionine and the ..... To help with the numerical analysis of DNA, you need to know the following


  1. More than a half century ago, evidence began to accumulate that a major part of most proteins’ folded structure consists of two regular, highly periodic arrangements, designated  a and b. In 1951 researchers worked out the precise nature of these arrangements.
  2. Protein adalah molekul penyusun tubuh kita yang terbesar setelah air. Hal ini mengindikasikan pentingnya protein dalam menopang seluruh proses kehidupan dalam tubuh. Dalam kenyataannya, memang kode genetik yang tesimpan dalam rantaian DNA 
  3. Protein is an important part of life and nutrition; it is the substance that composes a large portion of your body’s structure. Proteins are made up of amino acids arranged in different combinations 
  4. class of protein structure prediction methods, including threading and ... protein function, both for single proteins and on the scale of whole genomes.;jsessionid=01A6FB009FE27CBDDC00FC8D210ED5C2?doi=
  5. pMAL™ Protein Fusion & Purification System E. coli This system takes advantage of the strong Ptac promoter and the translation initiation signals of maltose binding protein (MBP) to enhance solubility and expression levels of a desired protein in E. coli. The resulting product is an MBP fusion protein, which is then purified by affinity chromatography
  6. Keistimewaan lain dari protein ini adalah strukturnya yang mengandung N (15,30-18%), ... kompleks dengan protein). Dengan demikian maka salah satu cara ...
  7. Protein (akar kata protos dari bahasa Yunani yang berarti "yang paling utama") adalah senyawa organik kompleks berbobot molekul tinggi yang merupakan polimer dari monomer-monomer asam amino yang dihubungkan satu sama lain dengan ikatan peptida 
  8. Protein structure determination by NMR spectroscopy
  9. The E6 protein is regarded to be a multifunctional protein for the following reasons: First, itis a transcriptional transactivator, or coactivator [1–2]; for example, it is known to heterologously transactivate the adenovirus E2 promoter [3]. In some instances, namely with the MMLV LTR and the CMV intermediate early promoter
  10. Protein Family - a group of proteins that share a common function and/or structure
  11. The term motif is used in two different ways in structural biology. The first refers to a particular amino-acid sequence that is characteristic of a specific biochemical function. An example is the so-called zinc finger motif
  12. Whey, a protein complex derived from milk, isbbeing touted as a functional food with a number of health benefits. The biological components of whey, including lactoferrin, betalactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, glycomacropeptide, and immunoglobulins, demonstrate a range of immune-enhancing

    Jumat, 11 Februari 2011


    1. sebagai gliserol. Gliserol ini dimanfaatkan lebih lanjut untuk bahan peledak, ... kalium hidroksida + gliserol tristearat kalium stearat (sabun mandi)
    2. Proses produksi biodiesel dengan jumlah metanol total 1,5 stoikiometri dan waktu reaksi total yang kurang dari 2 jam tidak memberikan hasil konversi yang memenuhi spesifikasi (96,5%).
    3. Reaksi Esterifikasi mengubah trigliserida (96-98 % minyak) dan alkohol menjadi ester, dengan sisa gliserin sebagai produk sampingnya
    4. Hepar dan ginjal mampu mengubah gliserol jadi glukosa dengan menggunakan enzim Gliserol 3P dehidrogenase, beberapa enzim glikolisis dan enzim spesifik pada

    minyak dan lemak

    1. Lemak dan minyak adalah salah satu kelompok yang termasuk pada golongan lipid , yaitu senyawa organik yang terdapat di alam serta tidak larut dalam air, tetapi larut dalam pelarut organik non-polar,misalnya dietil eter (C2H5OC2H5), Kloroform(CHCl3), benzena dan hidrokarbon lainnya, lemak dan minyak dapat larut dalam pelarut yang disebutkan di atas karena lemak dan minyak mempunyai polaritas yang sama dengan pelaut tersebut.
    2. Unsur-unsur lemak dalam darah terdiri atas kolesterol, trigliserida, fosfolipid dan asam lemak bebas. Hanya seperempat dari kolesterol yang terkandung dalam darah berasal langsung dari saluran pencernaan yang diserap dari makanan, sisanya merupakan hasil produksi tubuh sendiri oleh sel-sel hati.
    3. Lemak termasuk anggota lipid netral Anggota lipids : Lemak, phospolipid, Wax, Steroid • Lemak : 3 fatty acid chains bound to one glycerol (thus a.k.a. triglyceride) by dehydration synthesis
    4. Ester asam lemak dialam terdapat dalam bentuk ester antara gliserol dengan asam lemak ataupun terkadang ada gugus hidroksilnya yang teresterkan tidak dengan asam lemak tetapi dengan phospat seperti pada phospolipid.
    5. Minyak yang diperoleh dari hati ikan manyung segar mengandung asam lemak Omega-3 yaitu jenis EPA (Eicosa Pentaenoic Acid) dengan kadar 1,0197 % dan DHA (Docosa Hexaenoic Acid) dengan kadar 2,1238 %.
    6. Minyak berkandungan asam lemak bebas tinggi tidak sesuai digunakan dengan metode tersebut karena
      asam lemak akan bereaksi dengan katalis basa menghasilkan sabun yang akan mempersulit proses pemisahan ester (biodiesel) dengan gliserol
    7. film pati ubi kayu yang mengandung gliserol dan serbuk batang ubi kayu menunjukkan adanya interaksi fisik (ikatan hidrogen) antara pati – gliserol dan serbuk batang ubi kayu.
    8. Gliserolisis adalah reaksi penting antara gliserol dengan minyak atau lemak untuk memproduksi Mono- dan Di-Acyl Gliserol. Reaksi gliserolisis akan berjalan lambat jika dilakukan tanpa menggunakan katalis
    9. Gliserol (C1H8O3k)a sara dalah suatu bahan kimia yang sebagian besar terdiri dari zat kimia dengan rumus CH, OH.OH.CH,O H yang bentuknya berupa cairan kental jernih sampai kekuningan-kuningan
    10. Bahan-bahan terbaharukan berupa gliserol dan asam oleat digunakan sebagai bahan baku dalam upaya ..... setara dengan 2 mol gliserol per 3 mol asam oleat,
    11. Faktor pH mempunyai pengaruh lebih besar terhadap aktifitas hidrolisis lemak dan esterifikasi asam lemak kecambah biji wijen dibandingkan faktor lama perendaman dan lama perkecambahan

    essential oil

    1. versatile essential oil. It is steam distilled from Lavandula angustifolia, a perennial, ... The benefits of lavender essential oil are limitless
    2. The essential oils which were regularly used in ancient Rome, Greece, and Egypt and throughout the Middle and Far East had, as a common feature, the essence of a plant; an identifiable aroma, flavour, or other characteristic that was of some practical use
    3. When using essential oils, quality is extremely important. Oils that have been improperly farmed
    4. Essential Oils Market Information Booklet – a much more extensive document (see ... Characteristically, the essential oil from this
    5. Essential oils are not as broad spectrum as synthetic pesticides, but their effectiveness can be improved by using them in conjunction with carefully designed packaging
    6. The genus Satureja is represented by fifteen species of which five are endemic and Satureja pilosa and S. icarica have recently been found as new records for Turkey. Aerial parts of the Satureja pilosa, S. icarica, S. boissieri and S. coerulea collected from different localities in Turkey were subjected to hydrodistillation to yield essential oils which were subsequently analysed by GC and GC/MS.
    7. Aromatherapy is the name given to a unique branch of herbal medicine that uses the medicinal and therapeutic properties of the oils found in various plants. These special oils are called essential oils and are incredibly potent
    8. Essential oils and extracts of Zingiberaceae obtained by four extraction methods (A: hydrodistillation, B: extracted with petroleum ether, C: secondary extraction with ethanol of plant residue after extraction by method B and D: extracted with ethanol), were analyzed using GC-MS system
    9. Although essential oils play a vital role in our reproductive health the importance of diet, life style, personal relationships and personal wellbeing, and the role of herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements cannot be ignored
    10. the analyses of essential oils and the characters of their isolated constituents. ... Druggist, and the Editor of the Perfumery and Essential Oil ...
    11. The use of essential oils and laying-on-of-hands is a wonderful way to cleanse, open, and bring balance to our chakras. The pure essential oil ...
    12. Components of essential oils from the Chilean Monimiaceae, boldo (Peumus boldus Mol. .... Main components of the essential oils from Peumus boldus, ...
    13. The essential oil of plants is used as an alternative to pesticides for the control of aphids. We study the effect of the essential oils of citronella and alfazema on aphid populations in the laboratory and in the field
    14. The antibacterial effect of Ocimum gratissimum extracted from aromatic plant was investigated against Listeria monocytogenes serotype 4a. Agar well diffusion and tube dilution methods were used and the data recorded demonstrated antibacterial activity of the essential oil Eos against the test bacteria.
    15. Pteridophytes, ferns and fern allies, are one of the oldest groups of land plants.1 Since ancient times there has been strong interest in the application of ferns for their traditional medicinal properties2–4 and in Central American countries ferns are traded in the local markets for medicinal  uses.5
    16. Our bodies require special fats that make it possible, among other important functions, for sufficient oxygen to reach the cells. These special fats are highly oxygen-absorbing, and are called EFAs.
    17. revising the chapter on the Analysis of Essential Oils. ERNEST J. PARRY. ..... The following are the details of yield of plants and essential oil, with ...
    18. Essential oils were obtained from leaf, branch and buds of Betula species: B. pendula Roth, B. browicziana A.Güner, B. litwinowii Doluch., B. recurvata V. Vassil., and B. medwediewii Regel naturally growing in various parts of Turkey.
    19. Topical use of diluted lavender oil or use of lavender as aromatherapy is generally considered safe for most adults. However, applying lavender oil to the skin can cause irritation. There have been reports that topical use can cause breast growth in young boys.
    20. The ‘Sunshine’ cultivar of vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash, =Chrysopogon zizanioides
      (L.) Roberty) was subjected to meristem tissue culture in order to produce plants that were bacteria- and fungi-free. Tissue cultured (‘‘cleansed’’ or phytosanitary) vetiver was grown for five months in pots of sterilized soil, and the oil compared to non-cleansed (normal) vetiver plants grown in the same  conditions except using pots of unsterilized soi

    MInyak Atsiri

    1. Kromatogram gambar 1 dan 2 menunjukkan bahwa minyak atsiri temu kunci dari daerah Kerjo memiliki enam puncak senyawa. Hasil identifikasi spektrum senyawa pada masing-masing puncak dengan National Institute Standart of Technology (NIST Lybrary) 
    2.  Minyak atsiri adalah senyawa mudah menguap yang tidak larut di dalam airyang berasal dari tanaman. Minyak atsiri dapat dipisahkan dari jaringan tanaman melalui proses destilasi f/minyak_atsiri_jahe.pdf
    3. Minyak atsiri adalah zat berbau yang terkandung dalam tanaman. Minyak ini disebut juga minyak menguap, minyak eteris, minyak esensial karena pada suhu kamar mudah menguap.
    4. Kulit buah jeruk manis memiliki bau yang khas aromatik dan rasa pahit, yang mengandung : minyak atsiri 90% yang berisikan limone,dan glukosidaglukosida hesperidina, isohesperinda, aurantiamarina dan damar.
    5. Minyak atsiri bawang putih terdiri dari diallyl, methyl allyl, dimethyl dan semua yang berasal dari thiosulfinate.27 Telah diteliti mengenai bawang putih, terutama minyak atsirinya, yang menunjukkan efek antitumor dan antioksidan.
    6.  ndonesia dikenal sebagai salah satu penghasil minyak atsiri terbesar untuk ... Lebih dari 90% minyak atsiri Indonesia diekspor, sementara sisanya untuk
    7. Pemisahan kandungan kimia dari serbuk bunga, tangkai bunga dan daun cengkeh menunjukan bahwa serbuk bunga dan daun cengkeh mengandung saponin, tannin, alkaloid, glikosida dan flavonoid, sedangkan tangkai bunga cengkeh mengandung saponin, tannin, glikosida dan flavonoid
    8. Minyak atsiri Ocimum basilicum pada dosis 2,5 x 10-2 ml/Kg BB berefek sebagai antidepresan pada mencit Balb/c diukur dari immobility time pada Tail suspension test.
    9. Minyak atsiri cabe jawa mempunyai kandungan kavisin.10 Kavisin merupakan isomer dari piperin. Kavisin mempunyai sifat yang mirip dengan kapsaisin yaitu senyawa yang terdapat di cabe merah